Institut Pasteur de São Paulo

Institut Pasteur de São Paulo holds a series of seminars on Fridays

Institut Pasteur de São Paulo holds a series of seminars on Fridays


The events will cover a variety of topics, all in line with the IPSP’s scientific strategy. Every two months, international guests will give lectures.

The Institut Pasteur de São Paulo (IPSP) will host a series of weekly seminars at its headquarters entitled Les Vendredis del’ IPSP (The Fridays of IPSP).

The events will cover a variety of topics, all in line with the IPSP’s scientific strategy, which is to conduct world-class research in Biological Sciences on communicable, non-communicable, emerging, re-emerging, neglected or progressive diseases.

Every two months, the seminar will host an international scientist, brought in with the support of USP’s Rectorate.