1. USP-COFECUB Program: Project title: “The global circulation of health data”
- • Proposing team from the University of São Paulo, Brazil: Patricia C. B. Beltrão Braga (ICB) (Coordinator), Fernando Menezes (Law School), Helder Nakaya (FCF), Anita Brito (postdoctoral fellow), Fabiele Russo (postdoctoral fellow), Mauro Morais (postdoctoral fellow), Nathalia C. Oliveira (PhD fellow), Ana Luíza Fernandes Calil (PhD fellow).
- • Proposing team from the University Jean Moulin Lyon III, France: Ludovic Pailler (Law School) (Coordinator), Hugues Fulchiron, (Law School), Claire Brunerie (PhD fellow).
2. Wellcome LEAP: Project title: An integrative model to predict executive functions and language development in the first 1000 days: Identifying Biomarkers and trajectories of typical Neurodevelopment in children living in high risk Environments (the BRAINRISE initiative)
- • University of São Paulo team: Patricia Beltrão Braga, Guilherme Polanczyk, Maria Rita Passos Bueno, Carla Taddei, Alline C. Campos, André Fujita.
3. Thematic project (FAPESP): Project title: “Modeling Autism Spectrum Disorder: genetic aspects, environmental interference by infectious agents and involved mechanisms”
- • Team: Patricia Beltrão Braga (PR), Eduardo Massad (PP), Paola Minoprio (PA), Edison Durigon (PA), Helder Nakaia (PA), Fabiele Russo (PA), Alline Campos (PA), André Fujita ( PA), Alexandre Bruni (PA), Elisa Mitiko Kawamoto (PA), Ana Maria Marques Orellana (PA), Eurico Arruda (PA), Helena Brentani (PA), Guilherme Polanczyk (PA), Giuseppe Palmisano (PA), Livia Rosa (PA), Julia Clarke (PA), Roberto Herai (PA).
- • International collaborators: Fred Rusty Gage (Salk Institute), Thomas Burgeron (Institut Pasteur-Paris), Musa Mhlanga (University of Cape Town, Cape Town), Maria Carolina Marchetto (University of California, San Diego), Beatriz Freitas (BMS, San Diego), Edsel Abud (Scrips Institute, San Diego), Chiara Zurzollo (Institut Pasteur, Paris), Rebecca Matsas (Institut Pasteur, Athens), Alysson Muotri (University of California, San Diego)